Sunday, May 10, 2015


                               1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?

My favorite part of the topic that i choose was learning about more about my dream jobs.

 2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?

My least favorite part was learning the "cons" of my dream
 jobs epsically the veterian becuase i never looked at the bad 
things that could happen
3. What do you like best about Genius Hour research?
What i liked best about my genius hour research was learning about the differnt things my dream jobs do.
4. What do you like least about Genius Hour research?
I didn't really like remmbering to blog.
(even though i love my blog??)
5. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work?
I learned that i need to more about myself or try new things, So i can make up my mind on my future.
Thank you reading all of my post on Happy Thoughts By K <333

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Meteorologist

I have always been fascinated by the news.  
The meteorologist career has always been something that maybe i would be interested in. Like the other two jobs I've posted about A meteorologist takes hard work to be one . The requirements to become a meteorologist is a 4 year Bachelor of Science in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences. I've read that if you plan on becoming a meteorologist you should have a internship with the  local meteorologists so you can see what they are doing.

I have some things that makes me against being a meteorologist. I don't want to give the public a forecast that isn't true. I also scared the public won't like enough to want to watch the news channel that I'm on. The average salary for a meteorologist is 134,670 a year. That's not really my goal for making money in a job but if I really get into becoming one I think i will like it.

Thank For reading this weeks post. We are almost to the end of genius hour which is kinda sad but at least i know more of what jobs i want to have a career in.

meteorology: the study of weather, not meteors / This happens more often than it should.Weather humor - Hahahah awwwwwFunny Things, Laugh, Funny Stuff, Hilarious, Smile, Funnystuff, Rain, Giggles, Clouds Humor

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Fashion Industry

I love fashion with a Passion. A job in The Fashion Industry has been one of my dream jobs since I was little. The only thing is that I don't know where to  look, go, or who to contact. I've learned that The Fashion Industry has many parts. I just have to see which one is for me.
A Fashion Buyer is a person who selects which items will be in stock at a store. I think this job is a good choice for me because you get a chance to see all the items before the public and also you will make the final decision to put the items in the store or not. I also heard you get a lot of freebies which sounds cool!

A Fashion Editor helps the process of creating, developing and presenting material for a Fashion Department of a Magazine, Television or Web site. The idea of this job sounds amazing because you get a chance to go to fashion shows, discount on designer clothes and even more but it takes a lot to even get started or put your name out.
Most Fashion Editors started out being an Assistant .Which I feel that I can do because I like helping people. The only thing is that a lot of them say that their bosses are mean and the work is exhausting. If I choose this job I hope I won't have a mean boss for the start of my (hopeful) career. 
Thank you for reading this week's post.
Have a lovely day!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Today I looked into one my choices of careers that I see myself being in.
 A Veterinarian 
I learned that being a Vet has pros and any other career.
High Salary. You can make up to 91,250 per year and even more if your in the top ten percent
The two most popular states that Vets are in is Texas and 
California. Which is good because i plan on moving to California when I'm older.
I get to work with my favorite animals in the whole world.. Dogs
And the main goal of treating and curing Animals.
Not being able to save the animal. This is one of the reasons why being a Vet concerns me because thought of not saving all the animals makes me very sad.
I've heard that Vet School is a very long process and even gaining access to go to the 28 American schools that the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges approved is hard. 
Dealing with Upset Pet owners and pets. Some Pets might be dangerous to handle and Pet owners might disagree with what your saying about their pet.
Being A Vet has been my dream job since I've got my dog Londyn. 
I just have to deal with the physically, mental, and emotional work day that Vets call a regular day.
Image result for Dogs

I'm going to start setting up my post pros and cons. I hope you liked this weeks post.
Thank you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What do I want to become in life?

  Hi, my name is Kailon and I created this blog to find out what I want to do and become in my life.I named this blog Happy Thoughts because every time I think of my future I think of being happy. The thing is don't know what career and job I want to do.

  Get to Know Me:

 I like helping others and learning about different peoples lives.
I love dogs and I want to help save and protect all of them 
I have a girly style
My Favorite subjects are ELA and Science 
My hobby is dancing
These are just little details about me

 In this experience i will be learning about my interests and see if i want to persuade them in a career. Maybe you will see something you like along the way.
 Thank you for looking at my blog. 
 Have a lovely day.. :)